
How do you build a brand today?

The world of brands is changing fast – we’re living in a world that’s flattening at a rate we can hardly keep up with. In the ‘old days’, brand managers lived in a structured and seemingly predictable world – now, they have to cope with a loss of power, a massive amount of customer input, the need to be able to adapt constantly, and the need to put their trust in other people.

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Katie Selby
Your brand is your compass

In today’s world of instant information and increasingly savvy consumers it’s easy for a business to lose its direction and get drowned out by the competition. If your business is going to stay afloat it needs to be guided by a strong brand strategy that permeates all levels of your organisation.

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Katie Selby
Your Brand Leadership

Today’s businesses need to get their stories straight so they can use their brand to build a competitive edge. They need to better understand, use and communicate their reason for existing, and they need to do it in a way that makes their customers take notice.

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Katie Selby
Your brand is vulnerable

There’s no doubt that technology has changed the way we do business, and while it has enabled consumers to seek out more brands than ever before, the other side of this double-edged sword is crippling the corporate-controlled message.

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Katie Selby
Employer branding

Building a strong brand identity and conveying it to the marketplace is a vital part of business success – but creating a strong employer brand is just as crucial.

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Katie Selby